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Potions Class

Thursdays  10 - 11am


Somewhere deep within the walls lies a secret passage to the meeting place for students seeking something that exceeds the limits of "traditional classes".  It is here, in the dark, damp, cool of the dungeon, students gather alongside the Professor of Potions to fill their need for knowledge on brews and elixirs.  

Come prepared with your phials, eye goggles, cauldron, wand and a mind wide open.  Learn to combine magical ingredients into potions that create the most wondrous effects upon consumption.  While most of the potions are of aide, and harmless, students will be introduced to a number of dangerous potions that are completely forbidden to be brewed outside of the Potions Classroom.  It is imperative all students have strong abilities in following directions and listening carefully to ensure safety and avoid any mishaps.


Note: This class will be taught 100% in text and requires an advanced skill level in RP/emoting.


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