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          The 10 Commandments of Student Housing at EPS


I. I understand that I am solely responsible for my tier payment.


II. I will be sure my behavior does not make me a nuisance to my roommates and other students within the dorm tower. 


III. I will try to IM another student OOC if I feel their behavior upsets me as the first step to resolution and if this does not resolve the issue, I will seek help from a faculty member.


IV. I will not exceed my allotted prim limit, and fully understand ALL of my items will be returned to me by an automated prim counter if I fail to comply with this. 


V. I will use IM chat to hold conversations that are meant to be held in private, and understand anything that is said outloud and offends someone CAN and WILL be responded to if there is a complaint. Keep in mind chat range is 20 meter radius.


VI. I will not rezz any heavily scripted objects, i.e. zooby babies, pets or other breedables, and Zooby/A.I.F. pets. 


VII. I will NOT wear anything less than underwear or swimwear, meaning there is NEVER a reason for my avatar to be naked, topless, bottomless.  Not ever. 


VIII. I understand that sexual attachments of ANY kind are prohibited as well as sexual animations and/or emotes of sexual acts. *


IX. I am aware that residents are allowed to cuddle and be close within their dorms and the provided animations in the student lounge.  As a participant I will NOT emote explicit details in local chat for all to hear/witness.


X. I understand if I break any of these rules or cause any other disturbances I will be evicted without refund, and in some cases even expelled from EPS altogether. 

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