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Open Mic

Thursdays 5 pm - 6 pm


For some people, putting themselves out there in center stage and giving a performance can be the hardest thing - even if they have a talent worth sharing!  This class is a stepping stone for students who would like to work on their craft, share their creative side and socialize with other talented students.  The class is informal but will be guided by themes and prompts to inspire you.  Karaoke, spoken word, poetry readings, monologues, comedic routines, or playing an instrument, are some of the ways students will be invited to share their talent.  Everyone can benefit from positive support in a judgement free-zone that is safe and fun for beginners or those who have a bit more experience.


Note: This class will encourage students to use voice to participate in activities.  Students who do not want to use voice but wish to sit in as an audience are welcome to attend.


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