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History of Second Life

Fridays 1 - 2pm


  Since its creation, our world of Second Life has come a long way from from its alpha stages when the grid was known as Lindenworld, almost twelve years ago back in 2001.  Since becoming known as Second Life, many changes have taken place in the advancement of graphics, laws, the linden dollar and geography, all leading to the expansion of what can be done here today! But, these things did not happen overnight. There have been protests, movements, and challenges by the people of Second Life to make progress happen.  New rules have granted more freedom and access while working to clean up the act of Second Life as a goal.  In this class we will cover a time line of significant events, starting from the very beginning in Da Boom, the first of the original 16 regions that made up the grid.  We will take a number of field-trips in the class, in addition to having guided lecture assignments, hunts and group work!



Note: The class will be taught in text and encourages social interaction and a basic level of roleplay/emote skills.

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