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Design & Drafting

Fridays 10-11 am


When it comes to building, having a basic level of knowledge enables you to do so much more with your imagination.  You could make simple modifications to a home, customize items to better suit your needs, or have a solid foundation to set you on a path of making and selling your own creations.  This course focuses on the design of architecture and will introduce the total beginner to the build tools, tips and tricks that prepare you to be comfortable to create within a 3-D space along x,y & z coordinates, and gain skills that are applicable to building beyond SL (i.e. Blender).  Information regarding taking the next step to design mesh for architecture with free software such as Blender, texturing items and creating custom textures will be covered as well.  This course would be a good pre-requisite to the class coming next term, that will offer an intro to Blender.


Note: The class will predominantly be taught on voice, so being able to hear SL voice is required (students will never be asked to speak on voice).


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